Smart, sexy, funny male fictional characters that you would actually want to be with... if only they were real, of course. Characters can be from TV or film. Latest additions: Simon Basset Most divisive: Iron Man Over 25.2K Ranker voters have come together to rank this...
Smart, sexy, funny male fictional characters that you would actually want to be with... if only they were real, of course. Characters can be from TV or film. Latest additions: Simon Basset Most divisive: Iron Man Over 25.2K Ranker voters have come together to rank this...
The character appearance can be anthropomorphical or cartoon type, 2D or 3D, depending on the executing device (PC, PDA, cell phone, digital television, etc.). The main advantage of using avatars within interfaces is to allow the user to interact intuitively with the system by giving him ...
Thus, compared to real characters, false characters may inhibit the rec- ognition of other real characters, and N170 changes can reflect the inhibition effect. Although N170 amplitudes elicited by S1 were only different in the left hemisphere, we found a bilateral N170 effect induced by S2. ...
Characteristics of Male Love Male (Y-Style Literatures) Vital Characteristics of a Man Physical: Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even. Functional:...
That’s not to say she will always be a benevolent ruler, as the Coven of Nine still holds Celestina’s strings, seeking to manipulate her from the shadows for their own gain. Only one of pure heart can withstand their machinations and lead Prodigium into a new era of prosperity. ...
She uses her powers to open the portal to NEO, and, at the end, promises Shou to be the best goddess she can be. Norn Mikihara[] This section of the article is a stub. You can help by expanding it. NEO[] NEO is an artificial digital lifeform created by Barbamon. To complete...
Although scientists are aware that humans share the same biological heritage as do all other organisms on the planet, the reliance of Homo sapiens on culture and cooperation has resulted in what can best be described as a spectacular evolutionary anomaly.1:11 The extra-somatic adaptations, ...
Genesis 10, even if they are not similar sounding to the versions that Moses penned in Hebrew. The fact that only one of Japheth son's name (Javan) ended with an "n" hints that he may be the same one that the legends call "Sin" or "Gin" that the Chinese supposedly descended from...
Not everybody who can see ghosts uses that power for good. In Toritsuka Reita's case, he mostly uses them to do creepy things like find out what kind of underwear the girls in his class are wearing. It's a shame, because his abilities have a lot of potential. Not only can...