the proverbial driving seat. The entire plot of Kaguya-sama: Love is War revolves around the two main characters, Kaguya and Miyuki Shirogane, attempting to force the other into confessing their love. Both are too prideful to confess first and so a hilarious bout of bluffing and teasing ...
Strangely enough, in the world of High School DxD, Lucifer isn’t a single person, but a title bestowed upon powerful Great Devils. The most powerful is Sirzechs, the older brother of Rias who is nicknamed Crimson Satan, who commands wizardly powers capable of massive destruction. He battles...
Also ranks #10 on15 Times Anime Characters Got A Healthy Dose of Karma 4 Musashi Goda 541 votes As the captain of Salt Middle School's Body Improvement Club, Musashi Goda is an influential figure who inspires and motivates his fellow club members. He encourages Shigeo Kageyama to join the ...