Disney/Pixar unveils the second batch of returning characters in the upcoming animated adventure "Cars 2," the highly anticipated sequel to 2006's blockbuster "Cars."Below are the new images and the individual character descriptions. "Cars 2" hits the track on June 24, 2011, and will be ...
Traffic Lights Male ♂ Traffic lights "The Internet," "The World," "The Safety," "The Night" They fall asleep in "The Night," causing cars to crash. Triangle Guy Male ♂ Triangle "The Genius," "The Internet" Troll Guards Male ♂ Troll "The Routine" They attack Richard when he re...
Bandit is another returning character in Risk of Rain 2, capable of dealing loads of damage from behind. He excels in stealthy tactics, making use of daggers, guns, and smoke bombs that can stun enemies. He’s mobile and versatile, but requires some player skill in order to truly shine....
彼得·蒂尔闯入硅谷投资界,本身就以一个颠覆者的形象出现。他有一句非常著名的对硅谷投资者的批评:“We wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters.”(我们需要能飞的汽车,但结果却得到了140个字符——指技术含量不高的推特。) 他批评其他VC(venture capital,风险投资)为了谋求短期快速的利润,只敢投资轻...