BackgroundEndosperm is a triploid tissue in seed resulting from a sperm nucleus fused with the binucleate central cell after double fertilization. Endosperm may be involved in metabolite production, solute transport, nutrient storage, and germination. In the legume family (Fabaceae), with the greatest...
The cilium is a microtubule-based organelle that contains a unique complement of proteins for cell motility and signalling functions. Entry into the ciliary compartment is proposed to be regulated at the base of the cilium1. Recent work demonstrated that components of the nuclear import machinery, ...
Seidel HS, Ailion M, Li J, van Oudenaarden A, Rockman MV, Kruglyak L: A novel sperm-delivered toxin causes late-stage embryo lethality and transmission ratio distortion in C. elegans. PLoS biology. 2011, 9: e1001115-10.1371/journal.pbio.1001115. Article PubMed Central CAS PubMed Google ...
Among those, conventional morphology assay can only provide indirect information on the different components of the sperm cell. The assessment of nanoscopic details such as chromatin, centriolar, mitochondrial, and axonemal components can only be observed by TEM. Indeed, TEM has been used to ...
In this study, cyanobacteria growth was monitored in the microfluidic cultivation chamber with a small volume of the medium. The major results were then verified again in bench-scale flasks to ensure consistency between the microfluidic device and our regular cell cultivation vessel. As shown by ...