Rosalia Santoleri2 & Enrico Zambianchi2,3 The multi-scale and nonlinear nature of the ocean dynamics dramatically affects the spreading of matter, like pollutants, marine litter, etc., of physical and chemical seawater properties, and the biological connectivity inside and among different basins....
Their intriguing characters of the electronic structures such as the valley degeneracy1 and spin-valley-layer locking2–4, provide added value for valley- and spintronic applications. While some of them even exhibit superconductivity and charge density waves originating from the electron-phonon and ...
the clincal symptoms (fever, chills and short- ness of breath); vital signs (respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure and room air oxygen saturation); labora- tory findings (inflammatory markers, d-dimer and cre- atinine); imaging studies (chest Xray or chest CT scan); and mortality....
A double visualization of the jets is achieved by means of both a modified high speed camera CORDIN in Double Orthogonal Synchro Streak Technique (DOSST) configuration and a classical Double XRays Technique (DXRT). The interests of this method are twofold: Firstly, the DOSST and the DXRT ...