Totalitarian regimes are autocracies. When they are said to be tyrannies, despotisms, or absolutisms, the basic general nature of such regimes is being denounced, for all these words have a strongly pejorative flavor. When they call themselves ‘democracies’, qualifying it by the adjective ‘...
What role does propaganda play in totalitarian regimes? Define political spectrum What kind of economic system does Canada have? What is the difference between a totalitarian and an authoritarian government? What does authoritarian mean? What economic system does the U.S. have?
In more modern times, some of the most totalitarian regimes found in history have been considered “police states” due to their methods of repressing individual freedoms while ensuring a stable political order. More recently there have been examples of countries attempting to become police states th...
ofconstitutionaldemocracies. Similarly, the language of totalitarian constitutions is often couched in terms of the doctrines of popular rule ordemocracy. The difference is that in totalitarian regimes neither the institutions nor the constitutional provisions act as effective checks on the power of the...
Kapp Putsch: FreikorpsFreikorps members flying the flag of the German Empire during the Kapp Putsch, Munich, 1920. Fascists made no secret of their hatred ofMarxistsof all stripes, from totalitarian communists to democratic socialists. Fascists promised to deal more “firmly” with Marxists than...
rumour is intense. When control over news is a continuing (rather than temporary) condition, rumour becomes regularized as an essential aspect of daily life. The so-calledgrapevines created by these conditions are regularly utilized by totalitarian regimes, military organizations, and subordinated ethnic...