Joyce G. Saricks, in "The Readers' Advisory Guide to Genre Fiction," explains that character-oriented historical fiction "often provide[s] a very intimate portrayal of the protagonist." Authentic characters, however, takes some deliberate care on the part of the writer. The character must accura...
once noted that terror grows out of suspense while horror grows out of disgust. Throughout the Gothic genre, authors consistently incorporate suspense that often arises due to a seemingly supernatural occurrence while creating a sense of disgust as to how their characters act/react throughout the ...
Types of Gothic Fiction Characteristics of Early Victorian Literature Characteristics of Colonial American Literature Literary Elements in "Narrative of the Life of Fre... Characteristics of a Historical Fiction Novel What Ideals Did Harlem Renaissance Writers Promote...Characteristics of 20th Century Litera...
Romanticism is marked by a focus on individualism, an emphasis on nature, emotion over reason, freedom of form, and an exploration of the Gothic and unknown. What was happening in America during romanticism? American Westward expansion was opening up the new frontier. Writers and intellectuals had...
Southern Gothic genre, which combines some Gothic sensibilities (such as the Grotesque) with the setting and style of the Southern United States . Examples include William F 7、aulkner, Eudora Welty."A Rose for Emily" written by William Faulkner illustrates several Southern Gothic traditions. The...
Ottonian book illustration takes us into Medieval manuscript illumination, which consists of three main movements: Romanesque, Gothic and the courtly International Gothic style. Romanesque Book Illustrations: Britain and the Continent (1050-1200) Following the close collaboration between monasteries in Irela...
ideal.SouthernGothicgenre,whichcombinessomeGothicsensibilities(suchastheGrotesque) withthesettingandstyleoftheSouthernUnitedStates.ExamplesincludeWilliamFaulkner, EudoraWelty. "ARoseforEmily"writtenbyWilliamFaulknerillustratesseveralSouthernGothic traditions.ThesettingofEmily'soldSouthernhomereminiscentoftheSouthpostcivilwar...
Southern Gothic genre, which combines some Gothic sensibilities (such as the Grotesque) with the setting and style of the Southern United States . Examples include William Faulkner, Eudora Welty. "A Rose for Emily" written by William Faulkner illustrates several Southern Gothic traditions. The ...
British fantasy literature has long been a beloved genre among readers. Within these enchanting tomes, the interplay of magical and realistic elements is of paramount importance. The former imbues the narrative with a sense of mystery and wonder, while the latter grounds the tale in a tangible re...
With the invasion of foreign culture such as European and Japanese culture in the later 19 th century and under the influence of sans-serif fonts and Japanese Gothic, the equal-line boldface appeare...