Internet of thingsMedical systemMartial arts routinesHealth characteristicsBiometric monitoringFeature management modelChinese Wushu is the traditional sports of the Chinese nation. The spirit of Wushu is based on Wushu. With the passage of time, its connotation and value are deepening. This is the ...
(2009). Characteristics of voluntary sports clubs management: A socio- logical perspective. European Sport Management Quarterly, 9, 81-96.THIEL, A. & MAYER, J. (2009). Characteristics of Voluntary Sports Clubs Management: a Sociological. Perspective European Sport Management Quarterly, 9, 1: 81...
tiesofChinanowadayswereanaIyzedandsummedup. twasconsideredthatthethreetypesofsportscIubsincoIIegesand universitiesofChinahavetheirfeaturesofintegrity,autonomy,opening,variety,evaIuationandmanagement.SportscIubs incoIIegesanduniversitiesaretheembodimentofphysicaIeducationideoIogyincoIIegesanduniversitiesofChina.They have...
With the establishment of the socialist market economic system, the sports investment model in China will get rid of the influence of the planned economic system and present the relevant characteristics:sports clubs have the autonomous decision -making power of in tment; the main part of sports in...
Based on the current situation of the market and by the investigation and interview the characteristics of the management system and the operation pattern of the competitive performance profession of China were analyzed. The management center of sports events is the main body of the competition manage...
The thesis analyzes the main characteristics of the college students majoring in sports,and puts forward some effective education and management methods in accordance with its specialty features by combining with the new problems of students work in the PE in the new era.关键词: college students ma...
, , , . This study closely examines the characteristics of exercise capacity, physique and physical fitness according to skeletal maturity of elementary school girls. Thus, the aim is to offer basic data for skeletal health and physical fitness management in elementary school girls who are in the...
the market development planning and industry management,focus on environment and resource development and protection,create the sport and recreation culture with unique characteristics,enhance promotion,facilitate the development of the recreational fishing,cultivate inter-disciplinary talent and other strategies...
and many other kinds of games--we mean to be inclusive. We think these different genres of games have many things to teach each other. For example, card games provide many good examples of the power of standards, sports are strong at supporting spectation as well as direct participation, ...
Examining the characteristics and managerial challenges of professional services: An empirical study of management consultancy in the travel, tourism, and ... This paper finds that OM's 'one-size-fits-all' characterization of professional services, namely high levels of customer engagement, extensive ...