to the level of other major Modern art movements of the late 19th century. Currents of the movement were then revitalized inPopandOp art. In the popular domain, the flowery organic lines of Art Nouveau were revived as a newpsychedelicstyle in fashion and in thetypographyused on rock and pop...
• List of Main Styles of 20th Century Illustration, with Examples Including: Children's Pictures - Arts and Crafts - Art Nouveau - Object Poster Expressionism - Art Deco Illustrations - Romanticism - Surrealism - Realism Gothic - Psychedelic - Neo Expressionism - Neo Realism - Neo Surrealism ...
Poster art has declined noticeably since the 1940s, largely as a result of the increasingly predominant role of photography. One exception to this trend was the psychedelic rock poster, pioneered by Wes Wilson. This genre appeared during the late 1960s, along with other pop music works such as...
Art Nouveau, ornamental style of art that flourished between about 1890 and 1910 throughout Europe and the United States. Art Nouveau is characterized by its use of a long, sinuous, organic line and was employed most often in architecture, interior desig
Currents of the movement were then revitalized in Pop and Op art. In the popular domain, the flowery organic lines of Art Nouveau were revived as a new psychedelic style in fashion and in the typography used on rock and pop album covers and in commercial advertising. The Editors of ...