Instead of people producing directly for their own wants, they specialise in production in order to increase total output. Thus both factors of production and final products are exchanged. Exchanges take place because both buyers and sellers benefit from them (see Figure 1.3)....
(2000) focused on the long term relationship of inflation and housing market, which shows that the cointegration test provides strong evidence that housing and inflation share a common long term trend, while Tarbert (1996) focused on the inflation hedging characteristics of various property types. ...
CHARACTERISTICS OF THE GROWTH ENTERPRISE MARKET ("GEM") OF THE STOCK EXCHANGE OF HONG KONG LIMITED (THE "STOCK EXCHANGE") GEM has been established as a market designed to accommodate companies to which a high investment risk may be attached. In particular, companies may list on GEM with ...
There is the tendency to look for something in common toall the entities which we commonly subcume under a general term. We are inclined to think that there must be something in common to all games, say, and that this common property is the justification for applying the general term "ga...
Characteristics of a Market Economy Individuals are allowed to profit from private ownership of business and property. Ownership rights are not only for the government, as in a command economy. Market players are free to produce, sell, and purchase as they please, subject to government regulations...
摘要: The article analyzes the policy of distributing the profits of publicly traded companies in Russia. The author concludes that bringing dividend payment practices in Russia closer to those in developed countries will hardly be a high priority in the near future....
This paper investigates the primary push factors that constitute home country-specific characteristics of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (BRICS) and enhance their abilities as emerging market economies to engage in outward foreign direct investments (OFDI). The motivation behind this ...
Private ownership, or private property, is the cornerstone of any capitalist-based economy. Without having private ownership enshrined in laws, the owners ofcapitalhave no incentive to take the risks associated with allocating capital to the market. Private ownership is part of the "invisible hand"...
A mixed economy combines several of the desirable qualities of both capitalist and socialist economic systems. The capitalist principles of free enterprise, market-based prices, and private property create incentives for innovation and efficiency, while elements of a welfare state and price controls guar...
From the perspective of the fundamentals of investment performance, depreciation is measured as a fraction of total property value, not just structure value, and it is oriented toward cash flow and market value metrics of investment performance such as internal rate of return and holding period ...