It seems that as a developing production mode organic agriculture has a role to play in the green global network of local food systems.H. Risku-NorjaM. MikkolaAgronomy ResearchRisku-Norja H. and Mikkola M. (2009). Systemic sustainability characteristics of organic farming: a review. Agronomy...
Cover crops in organic farming systems: exploring and optimizing their contribution to ecological weed management 1. The growth of the cover crop and the simultaneous accumulation of allelochemicals in the cover crop plants. During this phase, weed suppression in autumn will be studied and related to...
underorganicfarmingisnoticeableforthepossibleuseof‘‘early’’potatoforfrying.Ourfindingsalsoindi- cateasthecultivarchoiceisakeyaspectdeterminingtheoverallqualityoftheorganictuber. Ó2011ElsevierLtd.Allrightsreserved. 1.Introduction Thepotato(SolanumtuberosumL.)isoneoftheworld’smajor ...
In the model, an agent's decision on the conversion to organic farming is based on the comparison between the satisfaction with its current situation and the potential satisfaction with an alternative farming strategy. A farmer agent's satisfaction is modeled with the Theory of Reasoned Action. ...
aFarming culture: is formed by farmers in agricultural production in the long run a custom culture, agriculture and farmers own entertainment center. Agricultural culture collection of Confucian culture, and all kinds of religious culture as a whole, developed its own unique culture and ...
Karst areas are globally distributed and occupy about 15% of Earth’s surface, supporting almost 20% of the world's population. However, the fragile eco-environment and the rapid water flow in the karst areas pose many challenges for the protection and m
Journal of Soil Science and Plant NutritionGarcía-Díaz, CeliaDepartment of Soil and Water Conservation and Organic Waste Management, CEBAS-CSIC, Murcia, SpainSiles, José A.Department of Soil and Water Conservation and Organic Waste Management, CEBAS-CSIC, Murcia, SpainBastida, FelipeDepartment of ...
The amylographic characteristics of milled rice and mineral contents (including nitrogen) of brown rice, which were produced under an organic farming culture (no chemical ferilizers, all of the rice residues returned to the paddy fields) were determined for 1 to as long as 16 years. The maxim...
Global food systems are essential to sustain life; however, unhealthy diets are the leading cause of poor health and death worldwide. Natural food environments are a critical source of healthful food such as fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meat and aqua
Farming has been a part of human existence from the time we stopped being hunter-gatherers. It has evolved of the millennia into civic/subsistence farming and commercial farming. Civic/subsistence farming is characterized as small multi-crop farms using manual labor or small equipment. The end ...