A modified Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index (PES-NWI) (Lake, 2002) was used. Significant differences existed between the magnet and non-magnet hospital with regard to perceptions of leadership effectiveness and intention to remain with the organization. Nurses in the magnet ...
Among them, chief nurse, nurses with more than 20 years of nursing experience and obstetrics and gynecology nurses were more likely to be ‘high prosocial job characteristics’ profile. The turnover intention of nurses in ‘high prosocial job characteristics’ profile was significantly lower than ...
Further research should be of good methodological quality and focusing on patient outcomes and time and costs invested in strategy delivery. This increases scientific knowledge on nursing implementation strategies focusing on leadership. 展开 关键词: Implementation of innovation Teams Characteristics Strategies...
The health care professionals suggested that they are most knowledgeable about their work, putting them in an optimal position to identify relevant problems and initiate appropriate changes. Concerning organizational changes initiated by the health care management and/or the higher political leadership ...
The main objective of this study is to examine the relationship of emotional intelligence with psychological well-being and academic achievement through po
护士-职业特征(Nurseoccupationalcharacteristics) Nursereferstoprofessionaleducation,approvedbyregistered professionalandtechnicalpersonnel,shouldhaveahigher senseofoccupation. First,theprofessionalqualityofnurses Theprofessionalqualityofnursesreferstothespecial requirementsofthenursingprofession. (1)lovethecauseofnursing,love...
State two important characteristics of Directing. Explain the importance of Leadership. 1. Describe the two major types of administrative, executive, and independent agencies. 2. Why is it important to have independent agencies? Explain the two basics manners in which health care expenditure ...
, 2012). Negative perceptions of leadership and support, control at work, mastery of work, social interaction, and organizational culture are associated with increased care worker stress (Testad et al., 2010; Jeon et al., 2012). In a comparison between small group living facilities for RWD ...
(Wong and Aspinwall2004). Although blue-collar workers mainly work in the manufacturing sector—where tasks tend to be of low complexity with a high degree of repetitive work routines—workers need a lot of experience-based knowledge for an effective and efficient work execution (Hirsch-Kreinsen ...
MSM also frequently perceived discrimination among doctors and nursing staff in hospitals: Doctors there [public hospital] weren't very friendly; they thought that since you are testing, something could be wrong with your personality…. Yes. Their attitudes were not very good. Because most of the...