Other characteristics of good mental health include an appropriate level of self-esteem, effective emotional regulation, comfort in social situations, the ability to cope with disappointment, and the ability to accept feedback for mistakes. Ability to Work The ability to work is associated with ...
LOOKING GOOD, SOUNDING GOOD: FEMININITY IDEOLOGY AND ADOLESCENT GIRLS' MENTAL HEALTH One hundred forty-eight eighth-grade girls completed measures of femininity ideology, self-esteem, depression, and demographic characteristics. In the first ... DL Tolman,EA Impett,AJ Tracy,... - 《Psychology of...
Identifies a series of good practices and trends, and organizations can assess their own current position on a number of dimensions.doi:10.1108/09552069410053830Graham MartinHealth Manpow ManageHealth Manpower ManagementMartin, G. ( 1994 ), “ Characteristics of successful health‐care organisations: ...
aprovides data on the number and characteristics of graduate students, postdoctoral appointees, and doctorate-holding nonfaculty researchers in science and engineering (S&E) and selected health fields. NSF uses the results of this survey to assess shifts in 在研究生的数量在科学提供数据和特征、...
The classification of the gender-specific means indicated excellent aerobic power, good AME, average RBF, and fair Flex. The means for UME were classified as average for the men, good for the women. Overall, the health related fitness characteristics were also classified as average for the men...
Various parental characteristics, including psychiatric disorders and parenting behaviours, are associated with offspring mental health and related outcomes in observational studies. The application of genetically informative designs is crucial to disent
The MSPSS was found to have good internal reliability across subject groups. In addition, strong factorial validity was demonstrated, confirming the three-subscale structure of the MSPSS: Family, Friends, and Significant Other. Finally, strong support was also found for the validity of the Family...
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Most mental health problems develop during childhood and adolescence, so identifying the mental health needs and care pathways of adolescents is crucial to improving prevention. This study aimed to understand the characteristics of adolescent patients wi
Health care organizations are constantly changing as a result of technological advancements, ageing populations, changing disease patterns, new discoveries for the treatment of diseases and political reforms and policy initiatives. Changes can be challenging because they contradict humans’ basic need for ...