World War II begins, scattering Surrealist artists to escape Fascism or fight it. Many European Surrealists fled to the United States, laying the groundwork for the eventual development of Abstract Expressionism. Type: lot Joan Miró PEINTURE (ÉTOILE BLEUE) ...
The function of the Reichskulturkammer was to encourage and expedite the Aryanization of German culture and to prohibit meaningless "Jewish-inspired" art forms such as Expressionism (in which Germany had led the world), Surrealism and Cubism (two styles strongly associated with Paris), Jazz and ...
The new self-consciousness which Freud promoted, led to (or at least coincided with) the emergence of German Expressionism, as artists turned to expressing their subjective feelings and experiences. When Did Modern Art Begin? The date most commonly cited as marking the birth of "modern art" is...
More specifically, Expressionism as a distinct style or movement refers to a number ofGerman artists, as well as Austrian, French, and Russian ones, who became active in the years beforeWorld War Iand remained so throughout much of the interwar period. ...
Expressionism, artistic style in which the artist seeks to depict not objective reality but rather the subjective emotions and responses. In a broader sense Expressionism is one of the main currents of art, literature, music, theater, and film in the lat
Thisantithesisendures throughout western European history—ScholasticismversusHumanism,ClassicismversusRomanticism,CubismversusExpressionism—and survives to this day in the common judgment of our contemporary artists and writers. It is surprising how few critics have declared that theantithesisis unreal, that ...
The various forms of existentialism may also be distinguished on the basis of language, which is an indication of the cultural traditions to which they belong and which often explains the differences in terminology among various authors. The principal representatives of German existentialism in the 20t...