In this paper, we suggest to utilize collaborative gameplay to improve the learning capabilities of educational games for more than one subject. More specific, we search for the answer to the following three research questions: which properties characterize a good educational game; how can ...
Most scholars agree upon the potential risk for pathological use of video games. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of engaged gamers, problem gamers and addicted gamers. The secondary aim was to describe these groups in terms of gender, age, social satisfaction, ...
Business angels (BAs) and venture capitalists (VCs) play major roles in the early funding stages of a venture. Although a significant proportion of venture funding rounds results from multiple investor types, most existing research takes an isolated view of either BAs or VCs. Research on the con...
But this is only possible if the game studios have a good model of player preferences to seg- ment their audience. Knowledge about player preferences can also be used to design serious games that are more effective in helping players achieve their instrumental goals [62, 63]. Permission to ...
Daycare serves as a substitute for beneficial family care as long as the mother is not at home; improve health, education and social attitudes of children; giving children healthy distribution of energy through games and leisure activities; and the most important thing is to provide experience in...
For preliminary design analysis, a rigid body assumption provides good insight into the aircraft’s dynamics response; however, for final design, the effect of aeroelasticity must be included in aircraft stability and control analysis in order to account for the variation in the aerodynamics behavior...
[10] divided 13 women from the Croatian national Taekwondo team into medal-winning and non-medal-winning athletes at World Championships or Olympic Games, comparing the physical fitness profiles between them. In addition, Mathunjwa et al. [11] studied the physical characteristics of 36 ...
The PDF file you selected should load here if your Web browser has a PDF reader plug-in installed (for example, a recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader). If you would like more information about how to print, save, and work with PDFs, Highwire Press provides a helpful Frequently Asked...
In the present mixed-method cross-sectional survey study, 255 in-service French teachers were surveyed to examine the impact commercial-off-the-shelves and serious of board games, prior gaming experience, norms, and attitudes. Findings showed that teachers perceived more opportunities to learn for ...
(2, 3518) = 76.71,p < 0.001,f = 0.21) with small effect sizes. Table6presents the descriptive analysis results. Post-Hoc Test of Games-Howell indicated that students from the academic discipline of Social Work had the highest subject interest in all academic years compared to ...