2008. The formation and deformational characteristics of East Asia multi-direction convergent tectonic system in Late Jurassic. Acta Geosci Sin, 29: 306-317Dong S W, Zhang Y Q, Chen X H, et al. The formation and deformational characteristics of east Asia multi-direction convergent Tectonic ...
This includes techniques developed and used within Daoism, Confucianism and Shintoism, as well as forms of Buddhist meditation that have been widespread in East Asia, including but not restricted to forms that were developed on East Asian ground. A comparative approach to meditation ne...
Recent advances in studies of the structural characteristics and temporal-spatial variations of the East Asian monsoon (EAM) system and the impact of this
Kim. 2014. Spatiotemporal characteristics of regional drought occurrence in East Asia. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 117(1–2): 89–101.Oh, S.-B., H.-R. Byun, and D.-W. Kim, 2014: Spatiotemporal char- acteristics of regional drought occurrence in East Asia. Theor. Appl. ...
Asia.The interaction between them affects the velocity and direction of low frequency system related with the NECV,and further determines the location and duration of precipitation over eastern China.Therefore,the preceding development of the low frequency wave trains of EU pattern and EAP pattern ...
One shortcoming of the existing research, however, is that it has not considered alternative target locations. It has thus been unable to identify factors that determine JFDI locational choices between China and the US or between Asia and the West generally. In other words, because previous ...
While the civilizational critique of "Western" democracy (the origins of which can be traced to Imperial Germany and Meiji Japan) has contributed to democratic decline in the region, there has also been push back by offering an interpretation based on East Asia's major religious traditions to ...
摘要: Summary This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction General Geological Setting Analytical Methods Geochronology Geochemistry of the Mafic Dikes Discussion Conclusions关键词: Earth—Mantle Geodynamics—East Asia Plate tectonics—East Asia 出版时间: MAR 2013 ...
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ROLE OF FEMALE ENTREPRENEURS IN POVERTY ALLEVIATION IN RURAL COMMUNITIES: THE CASE OF AKOKO NORTH-EAST LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA IN ONDO STATE ,NIGERIA The study assessed the role of female entrepreneurs in poverty alleviation in rural communities of Akoko North –East Local Government Area of Ondo ...