As an exploration of some of the major provisions of NCLB, this dissertation applies the resource substitution perspective (Mirowsky & Ross, 2003) to the early years of elementary school and examines various forms of teacher human capital (e.g., educational background, certification, experience)...
The fundamental role of the banking sector in society and the economy necessitates extensive regulation and supervision. Given that increased risk-taking behavior can undermine the stability of the banking sector, it is crucial to identify the factors affecting banks’ risk-taking. This study focuses...
There is an interdependent relationship among metro development, service provision, and residential property values. In the context of limited urban land resources, the intensified development of metro station areas strengthen the connection among education, commerce, medicine, and the urban network, leadi...
Domestic law encompasses provisions for the designation of intangible cultural property (ICP) and various protective measures. Conversely, adherence to UNESCO safeguarding policies is principally enacted for the inscription on the Representative Lists. As of November 2023, 21 elements from Korea are ...
To compensate for the lack of knowledge, provision of information on production systems led to purchase intention and WTP a premium for pasture-raised products, even with price sensitive consumers and those who did not strongly disapprove of the conventional practices (Font i Furnols et al., 2011...
This study aimed to describe the treatment of COPD patients in Italy and possible switches following an exacerbation. Methods This observational retrospective analysis of Italian administrative healthcare data from the Fondazione Ricerca e Salute (ReS) database identified patients aged ≥ 45 years ...
aYour message was not delivered because the destination computer was not reachable within the allowed queue period. The amount of time a message is queued before it is returned depends on local configura- tion parameters. 您的消息,因为目的地计算机在允许的队列期间内,不是可及的未提供。 消息排队...
Global food systems are essential to sustain life; however, unhealthy diets are the leading cause of poor health and death worldwide. Natural food environments are a critical source of healthful food such as fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meat and aquatic foods, particularly in low- and middle...
through indicators such as the net attendance rate in early, primary, and secondary education, school dropout rates, and repetition rates. Reports redacted by the National Institute of Educational Evaluation (Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa, INEVAL) are considered for a prospective analysis....
Additionally, the high degree of organizational fragmentation within (e.g., primary versus secondary care) and between (e.g., medical versus nursing care) healthcare sectors results in different legal and regulatory systems for the provision of health services and their financing, which also leads...