The reserves of krypton are abundant, and it has become an important high specific impulse substitute for Hall thrusters as its physical properties are closest to xenon. However, it has been found that the plasma beam of a Hall thruster has weak plume-focusing characteristics and the half-...
In 1895, helium’s atomic weight was measured by Per Teodor Cleve and Nils Abraham Langer at Uppsala,Sweden. ELEMENT QUICK FACTS Helium is classified as a noble gas, just like argon, neon, krypton, xenon, and radon, which are gases that are largely unreactive to other elements or compounds...
Motivated by the possibility of using condensed gas moderators to produce very slow (epithermal) polarized muons we have studied the moderator properties of rare gas solids and solid N2thin films as a function of the growing parameters (deposition temperature and rate, heat treatment) and of the ...
In addition, to understand the reason why the HBC stripper foils have high durability against high intensity beam irradiation, we investigated various physical properties, and compared them between the HBC foils and other tested carbon stripper foils.The sizes of the carbon particles in the HBC ...
Electrical propertiesXenonKryptonArgonPhotomultipliersElectric currentsResistance(Electrical)LasersInert-gas arc discharges were investigated to determine their spectral and electrical characteristics under the conditions of short-pulse, high-current-density, repetitive operation. The gas fills used were xenon, ...
The micrometeorological characteristics of the sea breeze front in the surface layer were analyzed from the mean wind and turbulence properties. The contributions to the turbulence energy dissipation from the mechanical and thermal effects were discussed. 1. INTRODUCTION The urban dispersion study took ...
The method used for deposition can also strongly influences the characteristics of the films [28], [29]. It is therefore of great interest to explore different deposition methods in order to evaluate their effect on the structural and morphological properties of SrSn1 − xTixO3 thin films. ...
krypton 85radioactive waste storageheat transferphysical propertiesthermal conductivityzeolitesKrypton-85decay results in heat generation,and the subsequent temperature increase in the krypton-85storage media must be evaluated. This report compiles the physical properties of krypton and of potential krypton-...
inorganic, organic, physical and analytical chemistrymaterials scienceethanolphase transformationssolvent propertiesstructural chemical analysiskryptonsolubilitythermodynamic propertiesmixed solventsThis paper examines the measurements on the solubility of krypton in water-ethanol mixtures for a given molar fraction of...
Electrical PropertiesGas MixturesKryptonLaser SpectroscopyThe emission spectra in the visible, wavelengths of the positive glow-discharge column, and physical parameters of the plasma in He + F2 and Kr + F2 mixtures have been studied as a function of the particle composition of the mixture. It is...