"function sum(character varying) does not exist" 错误解析 错误消息含义: 错误消息 "function sum(character varying) does not exist" 表明在尝试调用一个名为 sum 的函数,且该函数期望的参数类型为 character varying(即 PostgreSQL 中的 VARCHAR 类型),但是数据库中不存在这样一个函数。 可能导致此错误的原...
类型不一致,加上'' 或"" 试一下
1. 遇到提示:ERROR: operator does not exist: bigint = character varying 解决 这个错误提示是由于在查询中使用了一个 = 操作符,将一个 bigint 类型的列与一个 character varying 类型的列进行了比较,而 PostgreSQL 并没有提供这两个类型之间的默认比较操作符。 为了解决这个问题,你可以考虑进行以下两种方法之...
select*fromtable_order ainnerjointable_order_item bona.order_no = b.order_no; 遇到提示:ERROR: operator does not exist: bigint = character varying 解决 这个错误提示是由于在查询中使用了一个 = 操作符,将一个 bigint 类型的列与一个 character varying 类型的列进行了比较,而 PostgreSQL 并没有提供...
operator does not exist: character varying[] = text[] No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts. Environment Sequelize version: 7.0.0-alpha.27, but also reproducible with4d624fd, which is the current tip ofmain ...
operator does not exist: uuid = character varying Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts. Please test if setting database option stringtype=unspecified works. 意思就是说在 jdbc url 中加上配置 &stringtype=unspecified,示例如下:...
1、报错:Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer 报错:Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: operator does not exist: character varying = integer Springboot项目,使用postgresql数据库,mybatis做持久层框架,当mybatis里有and ...
遇到提示:ERROR: operator does not exist: bigint = character varying 解决 这个错误提示是由于在查询中使用了一个 = 操作符,将一个 bigint 类型的列与一个 character varying 类型的列进行了比较,而PostgreSQL并没有提供这两个类型之间的默认比较操作符。
I receive PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR: function ll_to_earth(character varying, character varying) does not exist when running following: Model.within_radius(100, -22.951916, -43.210487) even though I've set up the extensions and can see...
sql中存在字段类型和查询条件字段不一致的情况,看看查询sql那个字段类型用错了,直接把SQL写到数据库执行一下就可以找到问题所在了 __EOF__