The meaning of CHARACTER is one of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual. How to use character in a sentence. Traits of Character Synonym Discussion of Character.
these words refer to a person’s mental make-up or emotional state. character and personality both point to aggregations of mental and emotional traits, innate and learnt, that distinguish one person from another. character...
A gentleman that is very singular in his behavior. Character A description of a person's attributes, traits, or abilities. Behavior Manner of acting or conducting yourself Character A formal written statement as to competency and dependability, given by an employer to a former employee; a recomm...
The world discriminates one on the basis of clearly genetic traits, such as physical beauty and musical talent. 世界常根据显著遗传特点区分人,如长相美和音乐天赋等。 In reality, a well-endowed man is likely to have inherited the trait. 事实上,一个天赋异禀的男人的这种特质很可能遗传了。 Noctur...
Maximum Power can be improved by wearing equipment that grants a Power bonus. Virtues and other Combat Traits can also provide Power bonuses. Power that has been expended will regenerate at a rate determined by In-Combat Power Regeneration (when in combat) or Out-of-Combat Power Regeneration (...
Indeed, he is a very kind man at heart. What you know about him is not his real character.确实他是一个非常心地善良的人。你对他的了解并不是他的真正品格。2)trait 指人的具体性格的特征, 侧重于指先天行为模式或性格特征。Enthusiasm and honesty are the chief traits / characteristics...
3) This town has all thecharacteristicsof a typical seaside resort. 这个小城镇具有所有典型的的海滨特色。 trait与character一样,指人的具体性格的特征,侧重于指先天行为模式或性格特 征。 1)Enthusiasm and honesty are the chieftraits / characteristicsof his character. 热情和诚实是的他的性格的两个主要特...
The meaning of CHARACTER is one of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual. How to use character in a sentence. Traits of Character Synonym Discussion of Character.
The literary characters of the Renaissance lacked a well-defined personality and were universal human types, although a protagonist could consciously and deliberately change his behavior. Moreover, the correlation between the universal traits in the protagonist’s character with his function in the plot...
Learn about the main character James from James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl. Explore James' character role and character traits throughout...