I want to convert character date "JUL 2010" to Sas date value in EURDFDMY7(MMMYYYY) format. I have done the sub setting data test.datechar1; set test.datechar1; length month $3 year $4; month=substr (date,1,3); year=substr (date,5,4); run; and concantenated to remove the...
However, the client will typically request the finaldatasets to include an additional SAS(R) formatted, numeric date field for these dates. Though not a difficult task, using INPUTand a SAS format, it can be a VERY time consuming one. Given that when doing billable work the old saying is...
MoveToTextMark MultipleWordConversionsMode OMathAutoBuildUp OMathCopyLF OptimizeForWord97byDefault Overtype PageAlignmentGuides Pagination ParagraphAlignmentGuides Parent PasteAdjustParagraphSpacing PasteAdjustTableFormatting PasteAdjustWordSpacing PasteFormatBetweenDocuments PasteFormatBetweenStyledDocuments ...
XlDataSeriesDate XlDataSeriesType XlDeleteShiftDirection XlDirection XlDisplayBlanksAs XlDisplayDrawingObjects XlDisplayUnit XlDupeUnique XlDVAlertStyle XlDVType XlDynamicFilterCriteria XlEditionFormat XlEditionOptionsOption XlEditionType XlEnableCancelKey XlEnableSelection XlEndStyleCap XlErrorBarDirection XlErro...
2.1.750 Part 1 Section, conditionalFormat (Conditional Formatting) 2.1.751 Part 1 Section, d (Date Time) 2.1.752 Part 1 Section, dataField (Data Field Item) 2.1.753 Part 1 Section, dimension (OLAP Dimension) 2.1.754 Part 1 Sect...
XlDataSeriesDate XlDataSeriesType XlDeleteShiftDirection XlDirection XlDisplayBlanksAs XlDisplayDrawingObjects XlDisplayUnit XlDupeUnique XlDVAlertStyle XlDVType XlDynamicFilterCriteria XlEditionFormat XlEditionOptionsOption XlEditionType XlEnableCancelKey XlEnableSelection XlEndStyleCap XlErrorBarDirection XlErro...
Hi SAS Community, You've got a newbie in the building when it comes to SQL, so please be gentle as to date I have been using EG in anything I've been carrying out. I've been told that I have a really simple piece of existing code that can just be ran without issue, but it's...
XlDataSeriesDate XlDataSeriesType XlDeleteShiftDirection XlDirection XlDisplayBlanksAs XlDisplayDrawingObjects XlDisplayUnit XlDupeUnique XlDVAlertStyle XlDVType XlDynamicFilterCriteria XlEditionFormat XlEditionOptionsOption XlEditionType XlEnableCancelKey XlEnableSelection XlEndStyleCap XlErrorBarDirection XlErro...
2.1.750 Part 1 Section, conditionalFormat (Conditional Formatting) 2.1.751 Part 1 Section, d (Date Time) 2.1.752 Part 1 Section, dataField (Data Field Item) 2.1.753 Part 1 Section, dimension (OLAP Dimension) 2.1.754 Part 1 Section
hi, I have date 08/20/54 in the format MMDDYY8.I want to create a key which is a substring of other variables, for example lastname with the date variable...