Starbuck is the conservative and level-headed side of the argument, while Ahab is passionate and blind focused. They represent the two extremes of looking at the world, and how to deal with the problem of Moby Dick. What does the character of Starbuck represent in "Moby Dick"? Starbuck ...
The novel tells the story of a sea captain obsessed with hunting down and killing an elusive white whale. The novel also minutely details sailing and whaling life in the mid-1800s, based on excursions Melville himself took. The character of crewmember Starbuck can be seen to represent the ...
Moby Dick Character Analysis Next Starbuck The novel’s antagonist, Moby Dick is a white whale, wild and lethal, hunted by many and killed by none. No one in the novel, not even Ahab, succeeds in catching the whale, and Moby Dick eventually destroys the Pequod and nearly all its crew...
Moby Dick hit the Pequod, A lot of water is going in to the ship. Starbuck blames Captain Ahab for this. Captain Ahab still does not give up. He harpoons the whale below his small black eye. The whale then pulls the rope and the men fall down in the boat. Captain Ahab tries to ...