In essence, the change levels the playing field when it comes to logographic languages like Chinese, Korean and, with Kanji, Japanese. Those languages can relay a sentiment with a single character, something that might take multiple words in English or other languages that rely on Roman characte...
I got Taji's name from a random name generator. Based on Google Translate, the name "Taji" translates to "Many circumstances," which can fit Lightning, as the circumstances in which he received his powers and was sent to Earth, are very strange, and numerous indeed. ...
Item owned: beam generatorVillage/forest/region: Clarramore Cloud GardensNPC: Ai'dayi Lars actually, Cosette CloudwalkerMemory: watching Contraption with DaraiusSong: That Volucer song that Talan composed (for now, at least)Drink: harmonious pearl white teaMINDSETGoals: has a list of projects, ...
The Client side API [Generator 285] sends the request to [Parser 272] server side API. The Server side [Core 273] processes it and retrieves data from the database, wraps it in XML [Generator 274] and sends it back to the Client Side API [Parser 282], which calls specified a call...
[4] If you are not an artist, then try using a character illustration generator website or software to help you visualize your character.[5] Don’t dress them in a generic plain t-shirt without you detailing what makes it different from every other shirt like it. Does it have any ...