Single-row character functions accept character data as input and can return both character and numeric values.Character functionscan be divided into the following: Case-conversion functions 大小写转换函数 Case Conversion functions- Accepts character input and returns a character value. Functions under th...
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 vary as follows: Transact-SQLdoes not support this feature. See theLENfunction[MSDN-LEN]for equivalent functionality.LENaccepts both the ASCII and Unicode character sets, but, unlikeCHARACTER_LENGTH, excludes trailing blank characters....
The SQLite database system, used in smartphones and standalone PC applications, treats its data fields differently than other commercial databases do. SQLite lets you store character data in a field defined for integers, and vice-versa. Though SQLite lacks the STR() and CONVERT() functions, it...
String functions and operators provided byGaussDBare for concatenating strings with each other, concatenating strings with non-strings, and matching the patterns of strings. Note: Except length-related functions, other functions and operators of string processing functions do not support parameters greater...
The CHARACTER_LENGTH function returns the length of the first argument in the specified string unit.
Java.Sql Java.Text Java.Time Java.Time.Chrono Java.Time.Format Java.Time.Temporal Java.Time.Zone Java.Util Java.Util.Concurrent Java.Util.Concurrent.Atomic Java.Util.Concurrent.Locks Java.Util.Functions Java.Util.Jar Java.Util.Logging Java.Util.Prefs Java.Util.Regex Java.Util.Streams Java.Util...
Changes in This Release for Oracle Database SQL Language Reference 1 Introduction to Oracle SQL 2 Basic Elements of Oracle SQL 3 Pseudocolumns 4 Operators 5 Expressions 6 Conditions 7 Functions About SQL Functions Single-Row Functions Aggregate Functions Analytic Functions Object Reference Functions Mode...
If you want to add support for a new character set named MYSET that includes multibyte characters, you must use multibyte character functions in the ctype-MYSET.c source file in the strings directory. The existing character sets provide the best documentation and examples to show how these fu...
SHOW FUNCTIONS 顯示群組 顯示位置 顯示數據分割 顯示提供者 顯示收件者 顯示架構 顯示共用 在提供者中顯示共用 顯示數據表擴充 顯示數據表 顯示已卸除的數據表 SHOW TBLPROPERTIES 顯示使用者 顯示檢視 顯示磁碟區 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE RESET SET SET TIMEZONE ...
SELECT To_char(clob_column) "CLOB_TO_CHAR" FROM empl_temp WHERE employee_id IN ( 111, 112, 115 ); CLOB_TO_CHAR --- Experienced Employee Junior Employee Executive Employee Live SQL: View and run a related example on Oracle Live SQL atUsing the TO_CHAR Function Previous Page Next ...