In KS2 primary school English, a simile is a figure of speech used to compare two different things using the words like or as to create a vivid image or emphasise a particular characteristic. It helps to make descriptions more interesting and engaging. What is a KS2 example of a simile?
Examples are provided at right. loadout You have access to all of the items on your character sheet. For each operation, decide what your character's load will be. During the operation, you may say that your character has an item on hand by checking the box for the item you want to ...
Free KS1 and KS2 SATS papers Tutorial finder Year Category In each interactive tutorial, our digital teacher explains the method, shows you examples and then gives you a chance to practise what you've learned. Find out more. Tutorials are available to TheSchoolRun subscribers only but you...
Warning codes and descriptions are as follows: -9100: The ID card validity period is invalid. -9101: The ID card borders are incomplete. -9102: The ID card image is photocopied. -9103: The ID card image is spoofed. -9104: The ID card is a temporary one. -9105: The ID card frame...