This is the very first paragraph of the novel. Kay’s the viewpoint character, and the reader hasn’t met her or Seth yet – so I’m trying to get in a bit of description of both of them, and hint at the backstory between them (e.g. “taller than she’d imagined him” – she...
Character reference: definition, examples and writing tips Written by Indeed Editorial Team Updated 18 May 2024Image description A person sits and writes on a piece of paper under a heading that says, "character reference letter sample and tips" between this text: Only write a character reference...
One paragraphdescription(including a physicaldescription, occupation, flaws, good attributes, and mannerisms) Goals (what do they want) Conflicts (what keeps them from getting what they want) Narrative (what do they do in the story) Remember, the best way to docharacter developmentis to throw ...
Text.RegularExpressions Module Example Public Sub Main() Dim pattern As String = "\b(\S)\s*" Dim input As String = "This is the first sentence of the first paragraph. " + _ "This is the second sentence." + vbCrLf + _ "This is the only sentence of the second paragraph." For ...
Description ucats = characterCategories(str32) returns the major Unicode® character categories for the characters in the UTF32 object str. example ucats = characterCategories(str32,'Granularity',granularity) also specifies the granularity of the returned categories. For example, characterCategories(str...
(d) the amount, descriptionandcharacterofevery reserve of Bank of East Asia which shall come into being pursuant to paragraph (c) shall be thesameinallrespects as those of the corresponding existing reserve of First Pacific Bank immediately before the first day of such accounting period of Bank...
A portrait is the final element. An image that represents a real person adds a human touch to the persona and makes it seem more “real” than a textual description. The process of finding just the right picture can crystallize many of the decisions that you’ve made. Moreover, picking ...
Examples: Zhonghua Zihai, the most comprehensive Chinese character dictionary with 85,568 entries, compiled in 1994— 中华字海 Longkan Shoujian, Chinese character dictionary from 997 AD containing 26,430 entries, with radicals placed in240 rhyme groups and arranged according to the four tones, and...
Think of how the introductory paragraph of a chapter or essay is often just filler or preparatory work for the real story that starts at paragraph two. Character can be the same - the character you thought was your main character to begin might not be as interesting as another, more complex...
Cheryl read us a paragraph from a writer about his mother—but he didn’t use a single physical description. Instead, he wrote, “She was the type of woman who was charming and beloved by strangers, but all of us close to her couldn’t help but walk on egg shells.” ...