箭头所指的俩个选项默认是没有勾选的,一定要勾选,不然后续的ctrolrig会出错。 这个是UE里的导入自动设置插件下载位置,上面视频介绍里也有下载地址 https://www.reallusion.com/auto-setup/unreal-engine/download.html 下载后找到对应版本的UE插件,拷贝到需要使用插件的项目的最顶层文件夹里。 打开对应项目的文件夹 ...
" in there somewhere.For me, I was interested in UE5's control rig as I had not used it before. Following the steps in this book has basically given me all the information I needed to get me going.I would say that for an experienced 3D artist/Animator there will only be a smal...
接下来,您将把这些完成的 3D 资产导入虚幻引擎 5,并使用它们为您的 3D 电影构建一个虚拟 3D 电影集。您还将使用 Quixel MegaScans 资产填充您的 3D 电影集,并使用 MetaHuman Creator 和 UE5 创建和自定义您自己的逼真人物角色。随着您的进步,您将了解如何使用 Blender 和 UE5 的新 Control Rig 对这些 3D ...
Character Creator is a 3D artist platform for generating, importing & customizing realistic/stylized characters for iClone, UE, Unity & other 3D tools.
拷贝破解文件夹里面的CharacterCreator.exe到安装目录下Character Creator 4\Bin64里面,替换 运行Reallusion_Block.bat和CC4_Block.bat,进行hosts屏蔽 或者手动在C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc,hosts里添加如下代码也可以0.0.0.0 reallusion.com da.reallusion.com ...