D&D Free Rules (2024) A Dexterous Expert in Stealth and Subterfuge Rogues have a knack for finding the solution to just about any problem, prioritizing subtle strikes over brute strength. Primary Ability:Dexterity Hit Point Die:D8 Saves:Dexterity & Intelligence ...
"DnD5e Character Creator and Database"是一个曾经存在的DnD 5e角色创建与数据库应用。该应用允许玩家创建自定义角色,并提供了丰富的选项和数据库,包括种族、职业、技能等。用户可以根据自己的喜好和游戏需求来打造独一无二的角色。然而,尽管它提供了强大的功能,但由于某种原因,该应用已经停止维护和开发。Character ...
Hello. I'm Paul Bellow, a LitRPG author and creator of this site with hundreds of free DND character backstories available. They are suitable for DND 5e, Pathfinder, and more! (It's a great idea generator!) If you're a tabletop gamer, I invite you to check out the LitRPG Adventure...
dnd-character A Python library to make 5e Dungeons & Dragons characters for use in another app. Characters are serializable into Python dicts so they can be saved and loaded however you wish. SRD rules are fetched from the 5e SRD API the first time they're requested, then the JSON is cac...
Celebrating the launch of Larian’s smash-hit DnD CRPG, DnD’s digital client adds free character sheets for your party members, and shiny virtual dice.
DndPlaybook Name Generators Articles Generate Fantasy Character Names for D&D Over 60 official 5e races supported Combine races and classes to create unique characters 209693 names generated so far with the generator AI powered character creator Try The Name Generator " " " " " "...
Fireball 5e The Dungeons and Dragons Wizard is extremely powerful as is, without the need to multiclass or go overboard with feats. Their major Achilles’ Heel, though, is their lack ofDnD armor. But a single dip into another class can fix that. ...
5eDnDCharacterGenerator.zipkr**is 上传63.24 KB 文件格式 zip 这个JavaScript程序可以创建D&D(第五版)游戏的角色。如果您想使用此程序,可以在此处下载源代码,将其保存到硬盘上作为HTML文件,双击该文件,程序应该在您的Web浏览器中运行。您不需要联机使用它。该程序可以帮助玩家快速创建角色,包括种族、职业、属性、...
MPMB’s D&D 5e Character Tools require the desktop version of Adobe Acrobat DC (Reader, Pro, or Standard). Adobe Acrobat DC Click here to get Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for free %[%img class="lazy-loading-item lazy-loading-item-fading link-img" style="display: inline-block;" src...
D&D Character Sheet 2019 DND 5E 龙与地下城5版核心规则书 随着龙与地下城(Dungeons & Dragons,简称D&D)的不断发展,其规则书也在不断地更新和改进。2019年,D&D 5E(第五版)核心规则书迎来了新的修订版,为玩家们带来了更加丰富和详细的规则内容。在这个版本中,玩家可以更加深入地了解和掌握D&D的玩法,同时也能够...