The ultimate tool for crafting fantastic characters. Create unlimited character names and descriptions for over 60 different races in the D&D 5e universe.
Hello. I'm Paul Bellow, a LitRPG author and creator of this site with hundreds of free DND character backstories available. They are suitable for DND 5e, Pathfinder, and more! (It's a great idea generator!) If you're a tabletop gamer, I invite you to check out the LitRPG Adventure...
Set race, background, abilities, class, level, and let the sheet do the rest. Have this character generator speed up your process. Less work, more adventure Don't bother yourself with the tedious bits of character creation, have the calculations done for you!
An inspiring magician whose power echoes the music of creation Hit Die:d8 Primary Ability:Charisma Saves:Dexterity & Charisma View Bard Details Cleric Basic Rules (2014) LegacyThis doesn't reflect the latest rules and lore. A priestly champion who wields divine magic in service of a higher pow...
DnD-5e-Character-generator 在这个充满神秘与冒险的DnD-5e世界中,你的角色是一个名为艾丽亚的年轻女巫。她拥有一头深棕色的长发,眼神中透露出坚定和智慧的光芒。艾丽亚出生于一个古老的女巫家族,从小就被教导要保护这个世界免受黑暗势力的侵害。 艾丽亚的成长过程中,她遇到了许多挑战和困难。她曾经在一次战斗中...
Fireball 5e The Dungeons and Dragons Wizard is extremely powerful as is, without the need to multiclass or go overboard with feats. Their major Achilles’ Heel, though, is their lack ofDnD armor. But a single dip into another class can fix that. ...
"DnD5e Character Creator and Database"是一个曾经存在的DnD 5e角色创建与数据库应用。该应用允许玩家创建自定义角色,并提供了丰富的选项和数据库,包括种族、职业、技能等。用户可以根据自己的喜好和游戏需求来打造独一无二的角色。然而,尽管它提供了强大的功能,但由于某种原因,该应用已经停止维护和开发。Character ...
There's even an online generator for maps -- spits out ascii (or ascii-esque) maps. I got the three zines but then missed the nice hardbound full book, which I hope gets a second printing. There are some "busted" things, at least in terms of old-school style play. For example, ...
dnd-character A Python library to make 5e Dungeons & Dragons characters for use in another app. Characters are serializable into Python dicts so they can be saved and loaded however you wish. SRD rules are fetched from the5e SRD APIthe first time they're requested, then the JSON is cached...
World Points: 100 spent during Character Creation to purchase Old Diagonal, a rarely-trafficked minor temple long fallen over onto itself and a nearby alleyway. Old Diagonal is a minor coven for demoniacs in Althera to congregate and collaborate, though it tends to sport the patronage of only ...