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在解释投资Character.AI决策时,a16z合伙人莎拉(Sarah Wang)指出,自己初次使用Character.AI时,是在丈夫的生日晚餐上,众多角色点缀了他们的派对,让人感到新奇。但随着日后挖掘得更深,莎拉发现,与平台上不同角色的互动,从探索崭新事物的趣味,转变成富有意义的深度对话。“人工智能就在这里,而且,这次不一样。...
Reddit: Tiktok: Twitter: Facebook: 準備好將你的數位生活轉變為非凡的冒險了嗎?現在就潛入Alice,發現一個想像力無邊無際的世界!
1.8月1日消息,埃隆·马斯克表示,xAI并未考虑收购Character AI。此前有媒体报道,知情人士透露,马斯克旗下的人工智能初创公司XAI考虑收购人工智能聊天机器人初创公司Character.AI。 2.Meta Platforms Inc.发布的第二季度销售额好于预期,证明该公司在人工智能(AI)领域的大量投资正在帮助其销售更具针对性和个性化的广告。
Hello, I have a question in EXCEL I have a formula and I want to change only one character within this formula to be referenced in another cell. I mean when I change the cell value with a new chara... So you mean that I cannot use indirect in my case ?
Still being limited to 15 characters for hostnames in 2019 is very upsetting. In an age where we are deploying servers in multiple data centres, whether that...
专为AI而来的新语言Mojo,推理LLaMA2性能比Python提升250倍!比C语言也要快上20%。上周五才开放下载,Mojo这么快就自证实力了。要知道,之前官方号称Mojo可以比Python快6.8万倍。而且作者表示,其实还有进一步提升的空间。Mojo诞生于今年5月,专为AI领域开发,由LLVM之父和Swift之父Chris Lattner带来。它兼顾了Python和C++...
This Person Does Not Exist is a website that generates people…. who don’t exist. Each face there looks like a photograph but is in fact created by a neural net – basically an AI. Whilst the implications of this are truly terrifying in terms of deep fakery, it is a very useful too...
Now once you've saved it, find it again in Open Scene (you can search for its name in the upper right), and click the little gear icon on it. Then check "Use as Template." Now, we can find it super quickly by clicking this icon, All Templates Browser. ...
Recommended Open-Source AI Platform: ‘IntellAgent is a An Open-Source Multi-Agent Framework to Evaluate Complex Conversational AI System' (Promoted) Lately, some developers have also proposed methods to automatica...