3月4日,Character.ai通过最新一轮融资获得10亿美元估值,由Andreessen Horowitz领投。 (英国金融时报)
This movement doesn't negate the attack, which is still resolved as if he had not moved from the original square. This movement is not a 5-foot step; it provokes attacks of opportunity from creatures other than the one who triggered this deed. He can only perform this deed while wearing...
4. 市场消息:谷歌(GOOG.O)正在研究推理人工智能,以追赶OpenAI的步伐。 5. 市场消息:Character.ai在与谷歌达成27亿美元交易后放弃开发AI大模型。 6. 据The Information:预计OpenAI到2026年收入将增至256亿美元。 7. 特斯拉(TSLA.O)公布三季度产量与交付量,交付量未及市场预期。 8. 市场消息:丰田汽车(TM.N)将...