Introducing "AI Chat Assistant" - your personal AI-powered chatbot designed to help you with anything you need! With its advanced natural language processing ca…
Go to Storage -> Local Storage -> char_token, copy value and paste it into .env CHARACTERAI_TOKEN. Also paste your telegram bot token form @BotFather into .env and start bot: python If you want to add some characters to the /characters menu, you need to get name and id ...
Introducing "AI Chat Assistant" - your personal AI-powered chatbot designed to help you with anything you need! With its advanced natural language processing ca…
git clone Install NPM packages npm install Renameexample.envto.envand edit it: TELEGRAM_TOKEN="telegram bot token from @botfather"CHARACTERAI_ID="character ai id that you can get from the last part of the url when in the chat"CHARACTERAI_AC...
4.Botsonic:网站聊天机器人构建工具 Writesonic是一款智能AI写作工具,Jasper、Copy.ai的竞品,可以帮助用户在博客、营销广告、电子邮件中输出优质原创内容,本次“sonic宇宙再填一员”——Writesonic发布了其新产品Botsonic 。 Botsonic希望用最简单的方式,帮助每个网站用其私有数据训练自己的Chatbot,它号称只需两分钟、...
AI Chat just got real. Imagine speaking to super intelligent and life-like chat bot Characters that hear you, understand you, and remember you. • Millions of user created Characters and voices Now you can call or text any Character from our library of millions of user-created Characters, ...
App:Character.AI 平台:iOS,安卓。使用需要🪜 以下贴士由媎妹:南京在逃熊猫🐼提供 不太能写英语句子的朋友可以试试搜狗输入法的快捷翻译(如↓图)跟cai对话,非常方便。利用cai这个软件,和ai心理咨询师聊聊你不能跟别人说的困难或者学习英语也是很不错的。
Character.AI Bot Freezing or Generating only Half Response. Here is the Simple Guide to Fix Character AI Freezing Mid Conversation.
本吧热帖: 1-求国漫国游女神啊 2-来试试我的bot呀。 3-前段时间过滤器失效了 4-额啊啊啊刚好了几天又上不去了…… 5-这个网站还能活到正式版吗? 6-【教程】如何创建中文名ai 7-分享一个最新ai聊天地址,大家去体验一下 8-求助一下各位大佬 9-这几天的ai变得好蠢 10-求助 安
这时,Video AI就像超级英雄一样出现了。它是一个AI工具,能够一键将长视频转换成适合社交媒体的短小精悍...