I am getting the error "incompatible types: char cannot be converted to java.lang.String". I have commented where the error is being found below. public class Test { public int longestRep(String str) { int currLen = 1; String currLet = ""; String maxLet = ""; int maxCount = 0;...
error: incompatible types: char cannot be converted to String 代码有什么问题,如何在这种情况下解决? 相关讨论 Integer.parseInt需要一个String,而不是一个char。 使用Character.digit。 您问了一个(简单的)问题,您得到了几个答案。 那么,您为什么不接受其中之一? 在我看来,这些答案至少对您来说是一种...
This code I have written must return if the sequence is present in the given String. But it is showing me the below error: Main.java:8: error: incompatible types: char[] cannot be converted to CharSequence return data.contains(arr); ^ Note: Some messages have been simplified; recompi...
'Char' values cannot be converted to '<typename>'. Use Microsoft.VisualBasic.AscW to interpret a character as a Unicode value or Microsoft.VisualBasic.Val to interpret it as a digit.An expression attempts to convert a Char value to a data type other than String or Object....
publicclassScrabblePlayer{// A String representing all of the tiles that this player hasprivateStringtiles;publicScrabblePlayer(){tiles="";}publicStringgetTiles(){returntiles;}publicvoidaddTile(chartile){// TODO: Add the tile to tilesthis.tiles+=tile;}publicbooleanhasTile(chartile){// TODO: ...
Console shows the error - Incompatible types: String cannot be converted to char. I don't understand this, please help. 1 Answer gmilan 9,287 Points gmilan gmilan 9,287 Points on Apr 19, 2017 Strings are written with "double quote marks" and chars are written with 'single quote ma...
, strng); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { Console.WriteLine("A null string cannot be converted to a Char."); } } // The example displays the following output: // 'A' converts to 'A'. // 'This' is not in the correct format for conversion to a Char. // ' ' converts to '...
, strng); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { Console.WriteLine("A null string cannot be converted to a Char."); } } // The example displays the following output: // 'A' converts to 'A'. // 'This' is not in the correct format for conversion to a Char. // ' ' converts to '...
, strng); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { Console.WriteLine("A null string cannot be converted to a Char."); } } // The example displays the following output: // 'A' converts to 'A'. // 'This' is not in the correct format for conversion to a Char. // ' ' converts to '...
, strng); } catch (ArgumentNullException) { Console.WriteLine("A null string cannot be converted to a Char."); } } // The example displays the following output: // 'A' converts to 'A'. // 'This' is not in the correct format for conversion to a Char. // ' ' converts to '...