Walkthrough Walkthrough Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Table of Contents The Quarry Guide Walkthrough Beginner's Guide: Basics and Features How-To Guides Ending Guide: How to Get Every Major Ending All Collectible...
With the gang committed to planning a bombastic final bash on the beach, we'll push into The Quarry's second chapter. The walkthrough below will help
All you have to do is finish the story with any ending. Then you can use Chapter Select from the Title Screen. What outcome or ending you finish the game with doesn’t matter. There are some important things to know about how Chapter Select works in The Quarry: When using Chapter Select...
In fact, the warrant, he hopes, will be waiting at Bombay. Fix thinks the robber could also be trying to get to America by going through India, a less watched route. When the Mongolia anchors, most people disembark, and Fix searches their faces. One man (Passepartout) comes up to him...
Strickland was the most harmless of all the lion-hunters that pursue their quarry23 from the rarefied heights of Hampstead to the nethermost24 studios of Cheyne Walk. She had led a very quiet youth in the country, and the...
I spent the autumn months with my family at our summer cottage, on a mountain about fourteen miles from Tuscumbia. It was called Fern Quarry, because near it there was a limestone quarry, long since abandoned. Three frolicsome little streams ran through it from springs in the rocks above, ...
never come without the key again; but still this did not remove the present evil. They could not get through; and as Miss Bertram'sinclination7for so doing did by no meanslessen8, it ended in Mr. Rushworth's declaringoutright9that he would go and fetch the key. He set off ...
the past into the trash. With a sweep of her broom she did away with the funeralmementos7and piles of useless trash and articles ofsuperstition8that had been piling up in the corners, and the only thing she spared, out ofgratitude9to úrsula, was thedaguerreotype10of Remedios in the ...
the laws of thought, and their realisation of this, and the brief 'absence' to which it points, indicate that the door is now open through which they will perhaps be able, presently, to escape from the perception of the real, to advance to a resting-place more or less remote on the ...