ACCIDENTAL AND REPETITIVE OBSERVATIONS: CAUSATIVE RELATIONS - Quantitative Research in Human Biology and Medicine - CHAPTER 3ELSEVIERQuantitative Research in Human Biology & Medicine
The challenge of qualitative spatial reasoning (QSR) is to provide calculi that allow a machine to represent and reason with spatial entities without resort to the traditional quantitative techniques prevalent in, for example, computer graphics or computer vision communities. 展开 ...
Combining the hydraulic and chemical behavior is somewhat more complex, but conceptual models can be developed and translated to quantitative models or calculations as discussed in Section 5.5. Nonetheless, the monitoring of such facilities to assess performance of mitigation measures is not always straig...
Current Issues and Trends in Special Education: Research, Technology, and Teacher Preparation This is the second of two-themed volumes addressing "Current Issues and Trends in Special Education." Volume 20 covers research, technology, and teacher preparation, whereas Volume 19 covered identification, ...
significanceofthestudy,theresearchstatus,etc.Step2:Readthemethodsandmaterials,includingtheresearchdesign,the researchsteps,the materialsandtoolsused,etc.Step3:Readtheresults/findings,includingthequantitativeandqualitativeresults, andtheclearanalysisandexplanationofresults/findings.Step4:Readtheconclusions,includingthe ...
Precise quantitative information (data) can be sent faster and more reliably via direct digital (i.e., computer-to-computer) communications. In addition, text messages need only a small fraction of the communi- cations resources that interactive voice messages require and can also be delivered ...
For example, if you are developing a business-to-consumer e-commerce site, your research-based marketing data tells you that on an average, a user who buys products buys at least three products from your site in a single session. The actions performed for the place order profile for the ...
For example, if you are developing a business-to-consumer e-commerce site, your research-based marketing data tells you that on an average, a user who buys products buys at least three products from your site in a single session. The actions performed for the place order profile for the ...
Data were recorded, processed and analyzed in Microsoft Excel through a set of previously established categories, namely: digital platform, promoting entity, course designation, target audience, number of hours and date of completion. While the quantitative analysis only sought to identify the existing...