2 4 293. 3 8 211.In this example, now that the data has been preaggregated and collected into R, only three records are passed to the plotting function:ggplot(aes(as.factor(cyl), mpg), data = car_group) + geom_col(fill = "#999999") + coord_flip()...
Gates can be combined with each other using Boolean logic (AND, OR, NOT). The most common combination is to use gates sequentially. This is equivalent to: IF a cell is in (Gate 1 AND Gate 2) then do something. An example is shown inFigure 4.4, which shows data from human peripheral...
This chapter describes an example of regression analysis applied to observational data. Before "fitting a model to the data," it is often wise to look at the data and listen with our eyes to hear what the data is trying to tell us about the form the model might take. Profound knowledge...
You must take care to ensure that a program does not rely on the initial contents of dynamically allocated memory, unless the memory allocation method is explicitly documented as setting an initial value: for example, compare the descriptions ofcallocandmallocin the man page formalloc(3C). Occasi...
This section assumes you understand the previous marker features. And, that you have previously positioned your markers (Mkr1 and Mkr2 or and Mkr3 and Mk4) and set the markers up as Normal markers using“How to create Markers”and other previous marker sections. For example, if your markers...
Example 31-1. Updating Acceleration of One Body as a Result of Its Interaction with Another BodyCopy __device__ float3 bodyBodyInteraction(float4 bi, float4 bj, float3 ai) { float3 r; // r_ij [3 FLOPS] r.x = bj.x - bi.x; r.y = bj.y - bi.y; r.z = bj.z...
Example -flag -g -flagvalue -Dnostep -flag=value -xunroll=4 -flag value -o outfileThe following typographical conventions are also used in this section of the manual when describing the individual options:Table 3-2 Typographic Notations for Options ...
Example 38-3. Pseudocode Showing the Proposed Communication Scheme Copy // Frequency loop ~ 1000 iterationsfor(freq=0; freq < freq_max; freq++) {Read_frequency_plan(uwave,dwave,nx,ny);// Send frequency plan (~2 x 1.3 MB).Send_freqplan_to_GPU(uwave,dwave,nx,ny);// Dept...
For example, as I write this, I’m sitting in a chair. Should the chair break, I can sit in another chair. The new chair will immediately function equally as well as the old one did before it broke. The chair requires no training before it can carry out its function. It has no ...
Business Partner Master Data 3 Business Processes 2 Business Trends 1 Business Trends 1 Capacity Planning 1 CAPM 1 Carbon 1 CDS Annotations 2 CDS View with Parameter 2 Cental Finance 1 Central finance 1 CFIN 2 CFIN Document Splitting 1 Charge calculation 1 CL_GUI_ALV...