Bankruptcy Information Have you ever wanted a clean start? Learn more about the bankruptcy services that we offer. Learn More Free Bankruptcy Evaluation Is debt keeping you from enjoying life? Get a free private and confidential bankruptcy evaluation. Free Evaluation...
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is often referred to as the wage earner’s plan. Chapter 13 allows the debtor to keep all of his assets and spread the payments over a period of time. This law is to allow the debtor to make a fresh start, and not be punished for an inability to pay debts. P...
We've helped over 47,000 clients get a Fresh Start, Minnesota's Largest Bankruptcy Law Firm. No office visit necessary. Free consultations.
courts of appeals, and bankruptcy courts. They are not binding on the states, and the Federal Rules do not control in state court litigation. Instead, each state (and territory) has adopted its own set of evidentiary rules, some of which predate the Federal Rules. In the vast...