snooze /snuːz/ vi. 小睡 pounce /paʊns/ vi. 突然袭击 tender /ˈtendər/ adj. 脆弱的 mousy /'maʊsi/ adj. 胆小如鼠的 vittle /ˈvɪtəl/ n. 食物 216 Then my brothers started trapping the mice, which I thought was just tohelp out. help out 帮助...摆脱困难 217 ...
37. On this matter, Althusser comments "Cette reactivation serait proprement inconcevable dans une dialectique depourvue de sur'determination" Althusser, op. cit., p. 116. ↩ 38. The thoughts of Guevara on this subject are cited in the preceding chapter, German Guzman says of Camilo Tor...
Not onlydid productiondrop toamere 300 tons/day, possiblythe lowest point after the Great Depres-sion, but the rumour ofPoboran’sarrest by the secret police revealedadeeplydivided mining community or,asone newspaper article put it,a“crisis of man-agement”.²⁶Dispatchedto Anina to ...
All the World deplor’d the Loss of me their former Queen. The King, who never acted the Part of a Tyrant, till the Moment he would have imprison’d me, and strangled you, seem’d to have drown’d all his good Qualities in his Dotage51 on that capricious Enchantress. He came to ...
106 plight n.困境,境况,誓约,艰难;vt.宣誓,保证,约定 参考例句: The leader was much concerned over the plight of the refugees.那位领袖对难民的困境很担忧。 She was in a most helpless plight.她真不知如何是好。 107 affront n./v.侮辱,触怒 参考例句: Your behaviour is an affront to public...
depth /depθ/ n. 深处 218 They were,it turns out, raising a boa constrictor. it turns out 原来 219 Mom's foot came downin a big way, and I thought she was going to throw us out, lock, stock, and boa, but then I made the most amazing discovery—chickens lay eggs!