Animal Farm - Chapter 09 12024-08 Animal Farm - Chapter 10 32024-08 查看更多 猜你喜欢 516 Animal-Mdb by:嘻哈有态度 129 Animal-Mdb by:嘻哈有态度 158 Animal-FISH by:嘻哈有态度 445 Animal Farm by:Sunny冉冉声起 161 Animal Farm by:巧得一隅Carmen 2万 Animal Farm by:stilltime 1218 Animal ...
所属专辑:Animal Farm 动物农场英文版 声音简介 这一章讲了斯诺鲍的风车计划已经完全好了,斯诺鲍开始演讲,而拿破仑却非常反对。动物们却更偏向斯诺鲍,于是拿破仑发出来了一个巨大的怪声。然后九条像狼一样的恶犬跑了进来。追着斯诺鲍跑,斯诺鲍有好几次差点被抓到,但是最终他还是逃出了动物农场。然后九条恶犬就回...
There had been a time, not that he, or any of the present company, had shared such sentiments, but there had been a time when the respected proprietors of Animal Farm had been regarded, he would not say with hostility, but perhaps with a certain measure of misgiving, by their human ...
猪们用换来的钱买了啤酒庆祝,其它动物们为此感到伤心,觉得他们的生活大不如以前。 Chapter10 Napoleon进一步剥削其他动物们。他跟人类的联系越来越紧密,举行宴会,人猪共舞。其他动物们只能透过橱窗偷瞄,分不清宴会里是人还是猪。 信笺: 1.终于把这本书看完了,看到最后才明白猪那么笨,为什么作者把猪作为主角,聪明...
Chapter 7 continues Orwell's portrayal of the animals' plight. Animal Farm has seemed to have fallen on hard times. The crops are not as bountiful as before and the pigs are increasingly forced to trade with the outside world in order to get many of the supplies they need. "......
看动物庄园AnimalFarm(双语译林壹力文库)Chapter VII最新章节, It was a bitter winter. The...番茄小说网下载番茄小说免费阅读全文。
动物庄园AnimalFarm(双语译林壹力文库) 登录 Chapter IX Boxer's split hoof was a long time in healing. They had started the rebuilding of the windmill the day after the victory celebrations were ended. Boxer refused to ta 扫码下载APP免费读,SVIP网页畅读 扫码下载「番茄小说APP」可免费阅读全本小说,...
这次战争动物们命名为“牛棚战役”(The Battle of Cowshed)在这次战役中一头羊牺牲了,并被动物们称为“英雄”,动物们还给它厚葬。信笺:1.这个社会上有两种人,一种是勤奋的人,另外一种是懒惰的人。《Animal Farm》ChapterThree里面提到的一匹拉货车的马Boxer就是勤奋的。他比任何动物都要勤奋...
Orwell basically uses chapter 9 to continue the fall of Animal Farm and to foreshadow his dramatic conclusion in chapter 10. For example, the rations of the everyday lowly animals are again reduced by Napoleon and the elite. "A too rigid equality in rations, Squealer explained, would have be...
Animal Farm Chapter 1-Part Three (2) 前情&单词回顾 “And now, comrades, I will tell you about my dream of last night. I cannot describe that dream to you.It was a dream of the earth as it will be when Man has vanished.But it reminded me of something that I had long forgotten....