Chapter 1 Quantitative research in education: Impact on evidence-based instructionQuantitative research is based on epistemic beliefs that can be traced back to David Hume. Hume and others who followed in his wake suggested that we can never directly observe cause and effect. Rather we perceive ...
P Wang,SB Woolf - 《Journal of Multilingual Education Research》 被引量: 1发表: 2015年 Doctoral Preparation in Special Education: Current Status and Trends Doctoral degree training programs in institutions of higher education (IHEs) are the primary means used to prepare leaders in the field of ...
A common misconception is that the termcontrolled experimentmeans that scientists control all features of the experimental environment. But that’s impossible in field research and can be very difficult even in highly regulated laboratory environments. Researchers usually “control” unwanted variables not ...
1.量化研究/定量研究(quantitativeresearch)测量客观的事实关注于变项信度是关键价值中立不受情境影响多个个案、受试者统计分析研究者保持中立 2.质化研究/定性研究(qualitativeresearch)建构社会实相、文化意义关注于互动过程、事件关键在于货真价实价值无所不在,且分外明显受...
article type: research article assessment of the effect of strontium, lead and aluminum in bone on dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and quantitative ultras... The in vivo assay system of bone formation was established using leg-lengthening models in rabbits. The lenghthened callus was evaluated ...
Evaluation standards can be either quantitative or qualitative. For example:Description: This standard applies to the terminal control processor.Standard: The standard is met when the terminal control processor is a handheld computer provisioned with 1 GB random access memory and a solid state hard ...
Quantitative usability metrics include how quickly we complete tasks and how many errors we make in the process. But usability can also be gauged by qualitative measures, such as how much satisfaction we derive in using a tool. “Learnability” is another important measure: how quickly we learn...
In addition, the data type (see Subsection 1.2.1) of the variable is given immediately after each variable’s name inside < >. Here, int and dbl refer to “integer” and “double”, which are computer coding terminology for quantitative/numerical variables. “Doubles” take up twice the ...
Ancient Egypt, survey as a formal research method was pioneered in the 1930-40s by sociologist Paul Lazarsfeld to examine the effects of the radio on political opinion formation of the United States. This method has since become a very popular method for quantitative research in the social ...
Chapter 7 Writing a research report Chapter7Writingaresearchreport/paper HuangYing I.Whyareportorpaper?Toletthegeneralpublicknowourresearchfindings.Wecandisplayourresearchfindingsinmultipleways:posters,oralpresentations(PowerPointslides),papers.II.Sevensectionsofaquantitativeresearchpaper Therearesixsectionsofaresearch...