while with each passing year the number of entries go up for the others. The reaping and the fight to the death are called the Hunger Games. The winner, who is the last child left alive, is rewarded with gifts not only
所属专辑:饥饿游戏The Hunger Games 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 《饥饿游戏》是福伦德名著英语高级一期的故事素材。高级有三个级别,分别是高级一期、高级二期、高级三期。适合年龄:13 – 18岁(初中一年级~高中三年级)学生将挑战20万字以上英美初高中阶段大量阅读的英文原著,采取课内精听精读,课后泛听泛读的模式,强调在实际...
所属专辑:The Hunger Games饥饿游戏(一)完 喜欢下载分享 声音简介mattress床垫 cocoon庇护 primrose樱草花 scrawny骨瘦如柴 flea跳蚤 vermin寄生虫 hiss发出嘘声 entrails内脏 forage饲料 basil罗勒属植物 sunken沉没的,凹陷的,比周围低的 squat蹲生,矮胖的,粗矮的 scruffy破旧的,肮脏的,不整齐的cougar美洲狮 deterrent...
The narrator and protagonist ofThe Hunger Games, a 16 year old girl namedKatniss Everdeen, wakes up to find her little sister Prim has left the bed they share and curled up next to their mother. Katniss understands – it is the "day of the reaping," the first stage of the horrific Hun...
79 -- 28:02 App The Hunger GamesⅢ:Chapter16 20 -- 22:25 App The Hunger GamesⅠ:Chapter18 8 -- 33:42 App The Hunger GamesⅡ:Chapter20 11 -- 30:43 App The Hunger GamesⅢ:Chapter2 22 -- 21:28 App The Hunger GamesⅡ:Chapter5 561 -- 8:00:30 App Castle In The Air ...
Download Related Questions See all In The Hunger Games, why does Katniss blame Haymitch for District 12 tributes' lack of success? Tributes and their selection process in The Hunger Games Does Suzanne Collins justify violence in "The Hunger Games"? Ask a question e...
34 -- 11:08 App 【To Kill A Mockingbird】Chapter 13~1 27 -- 10:30 App 【To Kill A Mockingbird】Chapter 29 36 -- 10:24 App 【To Kill A Mockingbird】Chapter 15~3 87 -- 12:21 App 【To Kill A Mockingbird】Chapter 11~1 31 -- 19:05 App The Hunger GamesⅠ:Chapter12 443...
Need help with Chapter 10 in Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games? Check out our revolutionary side-by-side summary and analysis.
Friend 1: Hey, what's your favorite book? Friend 2: I love "Harry Potter"! It's so magical. Friend 1: I like "The Hunger Games". It's so exciting! 6. Write a short story using the following words: (10 points) - Adventure - Friendship - Magic - Dragon Once upon a time, four...
Need help with Chapter 6 in Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games? Check out our revolutionary side-by-side summary and analysis.