18、lity (responsibility for your actions) Increased competition: vCustomer servicevInnovationvGlobalization3.Productivity/ Efficiency121How The Managers Job Is Changing 3 The Increasing Importance of Customers.Customers: the reason that organizations existvManaging customer relationships is the respons 19、...
Inthischapter,we’llcover:DefiningInternationalInvestmentForeignDirectInvestment:ProsandConsGovernmentPoliciestowardsFDIEvolutionofGlobalFDIMultinationalCorporations DefiningInternationalInvestmentFourcategoriesofinternationalinvestment:CommercialloansOfficialflowsForeigndirectinvestment〔FDI)Foreignportfolioinvestment(FPI) DefiningInte...
Chapter 1 Globalization and International Linkages International Management Culture , Strategy and Behavior 国际企业管理文化、战略与行为课件 热度: 企业经营哲学BUSINESS PHILOSOPHY 企业战略CORPORATE STRATEGY 企业 热度: Chapter 3 E-Business strategy formulation ...
Defining Religion Religion is “...the system of beliefs, practices and ...values shared by a group of people...” Durkheim claimed that all religions divide the universe into two categories: Sacred—those things that are set apart, holy; and knowable only through extraordinary experience Profa...
Culture The complex system of meaning and behavior that defines the way of life for a given group or society. Symbols Things or behaviors to which people give meaning. Cultural relativism The perspective that allows people to understand and judge cultural practices in context. Language A set of ...
a society Social turmoil - an inevitable outcome of cultural change as countries become economically stronger, cultural change is particularly common economic progress encourages a shift from collectivism to individualism globalization also brings cultural change What Do Cultural Differences Mean For Managers...
第一章现代服务业与SSME 4.1SSME的概念与背景 4服务科学、管理与工程(SSME)概述 IBM对SSME最初的观点 2005年5月的“面向按需应变的体系结构”商务峰会上,IBM的研究者与咨询顾问开始探讨一个粗略的构想:发展一门新的学科—ServiceScience“服务业已成为美国经济的最大一块蛋糕,但是大学里却没有任何课程...
globalization, two-career parents, MTV, AIDS, and computers Value flexibility, life options, and the achievement of job satisfaction Enjoy team-oriented work Less willing to make personal sacrifices for the sake of their employer Nexters (Gen Y) Grew up during prosperous times Seek financial ...
DefiningInterculturalCommunication InterregionalCommunication Understandinginterculturalcommunication Aphenomenon(现象) 跨文化交际 Adiscipline(学科) 跨文化交际学 ThefeaturesofIC UniversalPhenomenon LongHistory DailyOccurrence EarlierICexamples Zhenhe’ssevenvoyagesofdiscovery ...
巨大的 Unit 3 21st-Century Supply Chains 1 The supply Chain Revolution 2 Integrated Management 3 Globalization 4 Implementation Challenges 5 Summary 1 The supply Chain Revolution Supply chain (sometimes called the value chain or demand chain) management consists of firms collaborating to leverage ...