Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Chaplain:hospital chaplain CHAPLAIN. A clergyman appointed to say prayers and perform divine service. Each house of congress usually appoints it own chaplain. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By ...
who looked up at me every day with sparkling blue eyes and hope. Unfortunately, despite treatment, her cancer spread rapidly. Fevers and nausea soon wracked her petite body, and she began to lay all day in a fetal position, turned toward the wall. When I entered the room, s...
T7: “From this point of view, workplace chaplaincy urgently needs to position itself anew. The working world of today cannot be reduced to the man in blue overalls who works physically hard in production processes. Digital working worlds with changed legal conditions require pastoral care just ...
nurse to help me get Hank in a comfortable position. He groaned loudly the entire time but stopped as soon as we got him better situated. By that point, I was sweating and holding back tears. I pulled up a chair and sat down where Hank could see me, not knowing what else I could ...