Thesaurus Medical Acronyms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Chaplain:hospital chaplain CHAPLAIN. A clergyman appointed to say prayers and perform divine service. Each house of congress usually appoints it own chaplain. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By ...
(Hos-pitalchaplainC2¹,CofN)Thisquotefroman interviewwithahospitalchaplainfromtheChurchof Nor-way(CofN)illustrateshowaNorwegianhospitalchaplainworksto establishhispositionas partof hospital services. Threeor fourdecadesago, hospitalchaplainslikethisonewalkedthewardsandofferedtheirservicesto patientswhotheymeton...
I was a chaplain intern at a large hospital. The chief pathologist invited any chaplain who was interested to view an autopsy. Call me crazy, but I rushed to put my name at the top of the list. I’d always been curious about and fascinated by the body. I wondered how all of the ...