Sun azimuth rotation values to match geographical azimuth. Old saved .vantage files will be automatically updated to use new values onSave. Collision Missing "Height ratio" update when collision "Height tolerance" is changed. Clouds Wrong cloud shading with sun slightly under the horizon. ...
Added Vantage Live Link settings dialog in 3Ds Max Vantage toolbar.Details UI/UX Implemented a warning and error count indicator in the status bar. Rendering Implemented a Firefly filter.Details Modified Geometry Improved GPU peak memory usage when loading the geometry for a scene. ...
Clicking on LightMix setup and Lister toolbar icons without Corona being the active render engine shows a prompt asking you to switch to Chaos Corona. Added a warning to the LightMixSetup dialog when a Light select element contains invalid filename characters; those characters are replaced with ‘...
V-Ray and Vantage Crash with animated ForestPro objects in 3dsMax live link Chaos Scatter Fixed edge trimming for instances of hierarchical/group models (For now edge trimming requires that objects have sub elements) Fixed problem with high CPU load and slow viewport update on isolat...
Chaos V-Ray provides a Chaos Vantage toolbar with a few handy and useful tools that enhance the user experience and workflow between V-Ray for 3ds Max and Chaos Vantage. The toolbar is only visible if a Chaos Vantage installation is present. Among the tools it provides are: Live Link exp...
Added information, in the status bar, for the host application used for Live Link. Added ability to rename of objects created inside Vantage (Fur, Scatter, Lights, Multi Matte) with a context menu or double-click on object name. Output Added AV1 codec for video encoding, enabled by default...
Chaos V-Ray provides a Chaos Vantage toolbar with a few handy and useful tools that enhance the user experience and workflow between V-Ray for 3ds Max and Chaos Vantage. The toolbar is only visible if a Chaos Vantage installation is present. Among the tools it provides are: Live Link exp...
Animated cameras from imported vrscenes are not loaded with animation after reload of .vantage file. Wrong camera grouping on import. Textures Missing texture UVs if their UVW generator is missing. Output Wrong baking of Exposure bias in EXR when exposure correction is disabled. ...
Release Notes for Chaos Vantage 2 跳到banner的尾部 回到标题开始 2.0.1 Official Release Date - August 03, 2023 New Features Scene states Smooth transition between scene states attached to cameras in the animation timeline. Rendering Added global self-illumination and emissive multiplier.Details ...
||V-Ray for SketchUp Toolbar|| >Chaos Cosmos SketchUp Menus Ribbon ||Extensions|| >V-Ray>Chaos Cosmos Installation Chaos Cosmos Browser is part of the installations of all Chaos renderers - V-Ray, Corona, and Vantage - and does not require any other specific actions. You can access the...