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2018-12-1815AY-KRC02Memories of the Duel King: Ceremonial Battle Arc결투왕의 기억 - 싸움의 의식 편 - 스페셜 세트Ultra Rare 2019-06-18SR08-KR015Structure Deck R: Lord of MagicianSTRUCTURE DECK스트럭처 덱 R - 로드 오브 매지션 -CommonVi...
Scavenge for supplies, build fortified shelters, and master the art of combat to fend off the relentless threats that surround you.But the dangers don't end there. Stalcraft is a cutthroat world where players must be wary of other survivors who may see you as nothing more than a resource ...
GX Tag Force 2 Master Tag Duel promotional card遊戯王デュエルモンスターズGXTAGFORCE2- マスタータッグデュエル - 付録カードUltra Rare 20AP-JP04020th Anniversary Pack 1st WaveSuper Parallel Rare 2018-03-10SR06-JP015Structure Deck R: Curse of the DarkSTRUCTUREDECKR -闇黒の呪縛-Normal...