Chaos Chapter © 2021 Chaos Theory Chapter © 2024 Mathematics, Science, and Dynamical Systems: An Introduction Chapter © 2021 Keywords calculus chaos computer simulation differential equation nonlinear dynamics simulation Search within this book Search Table of contents (13 chapters) ...
This book provides a systematic review of the fundamental theory of signal reconstruction and the practical techniques used in reconstructing chaotic signals. Specific applications of signal reconstruction methods in chaos-based communications are expounded in full detail, along with examples illustrating the...
textbook it is intended to communicate the concepts behind fractals and chaos theory as they apply to the capital markets and economics 1 have supplied no proofs of the theorems l hosc interested in such full mathematical treatments are referred to the hihli ography where an abundance of ...
ity and information theory to express the complexity of a finite object. This complexity is the length of the shortest binary program from which the object can be effectively reconstructed. It may be called the algorithmic information content of the object. This quantity turns out to be an...
These lecture notes are not meant to supplant the textbook used with this course. The main textbook is Steven Strogatz’ “Nonlinear Dynamics Systems and Chaos” (Perseus Book Group, 2001). These notes are not copywrited by the author and any distribution of them is highly ...
Probability theory measure theory partial differential equation Search within this book Search Table of contents (12 chapters) Front Matter Pages i-xiv Download chapter PDF Introduction Andrzej Lasota, Michael C. Mackey Pages 1-15 The Toolbox Andrzej Lasota, Michael C. Mackey Pages...
ects to some - tent the development of modern physics and that today this classical branch of theoretical physics is taught rather differently than at the time of Arnold S- merfeld, in the 1920s, or even in the 1950s, when more emphasis was put on the theoryandtheapplicationsofpartial-...
"The book gives a comprehensive introduction to the different fields in nonlinear dynamics, such as chaos, fractals, integrability and soliton theory. It also includes a large number of interesting applications. … Each chapter and the appendix include a number of exercises. … the book can be ...
This paper is devoted to software-defined radio (SDR) implementation of frequency modulated antipodal chaos shift keying (FM-ACSK) transceiver and presents results of prototype testing in real conditions. This novel and perspective class of spread-spectr