Shadow firing Chaos Emerald energy as a Chaos Spear, from Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). The application options for Chaos Emerald energy are vast; when used in conjunction with the Chaos Emeralds' abilities, Chaos Emerald energy appears to be capable of bending reality to achieve feats nothing shor...
Games. One is as a frozen version of itsPerfect Chaosform, where it appears for the third segment of the Sonic World routine inDream Figure Skating, and is defeated by the characters using the Chaos Emeralds. It also appears as a VIP member that gives the player 100 Star Points when ...
Sonices el primer personaje mostrado en utilizar lasChaosEmeralds, transformándose en SuperSonicenSonicthe Hedgehog 2. Sonicis the first character shown to utilize theChaosEmeralds, transforming into SuperSonicin Sonic the Hedgehog 2. ParaCrawl Corpus...