Another 4chan/b viral meme was substantiated by the first posting of the b/- internal character of the Epic Fail Guy in 2006, who—well—fails at everything he sets out to do. The Epic Fail Guy popped up in posts depicting him in ever new failure-adventures, one of which had him fi...
This funny teacher meme is I am pretty sure that teachers have made this face when learning there are 4 of my children. Don’t miss all of ourfunny sibling memes. Apologies to my childrens’ teachers. I am pretty sure this would include at least 2 of my children....
I can only work 35hrs a week, so today I was scheduled to close (at 5:00pm) so they reminded me yesterday to come in later this morning so I didn’t go over the 35hrs. Umm.. ok. I texted my friend last night and we met up for breakfast in town this morning. It was very ...
Tumblr: home to your new favorite artist. Come for the effervescent digital paintings in every flavor of fandom. Stay for the breathtaking original offerings of…
It’s not quite a week since I first saw thememe announcing that LinkedIn had just become the latest high-profile company to start using their users’ data to train an AI system, and (of course) it was opt-out. So if you did nothing (e.g. you didn’t see the notification) then ...
digitaladapt (digitaladapt) has added meme May 11, 2022 dimi Update chains.json May 16, 2022 disperze First spike from REStake Mar 29, 2022 dragonstake First spike from REStake Mar 29, 2022 dsebster Update chains.json May 29, 2022 dvs Add DVS validator profile Apr 20, 20...
(on the same layer) share the same weights, and the kernel is shifted over the neurons. Further, assume that several threads work on the same weightWljat some point in time. Even if other threads only read the weights, their local data, as saved in the Level 2 cache, will be ...
For a large resource of Discordian quotes check out thememebomb database. Check outThis Pageto read material created by the Discordian society. The Boomtime Cabal have created an excellent publicationOn Activism Chasing Eris:Chaos journalist Brenton Clutterbuck has spent a year charting the human ...
No codes needed, everything is at least 60% off! It’s the holidays, which means year’s end, which means I really don’t want to organize this stuff into the archives. Do me a favor and take them off of my hands! You can nab original linework from both ChaosLife and (for the...
Ultimately, the characters each found their own happy endings outside of Cloud 9, butSuperstoregives us all a distressing look at what the future of retail, customer service, and workplaces could look like if we don't remember to value humans over tech. ...