Studien zur Musikarchaologie, IV. Edited by ELLEN HICKMANN and RICARDO EICHMANN. Orient-Archaologie, vol. 15. Rahden, Westphalia: VERLAG MARIE LEIDORF, 2004. Pp. xxvi + 583, illus. This impressive volume reports on a conference and at the same time honors Ellen Hickmann for her...
The bird's-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) has been pointed as one of the most promising forage plants for use in Rio Grande do Sul. However, there is lack of information about the interaction of those plants with the native rhizobia in field co...
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A novel Duffing-Holmes type autonomous chaotic oscillator is described. In comparison with the well-known nonautonomous Duffing-Holmes circuit it lacks the external periodic drive, but includes two extra linear feedback subcircuits, namely a direct positive feedbac...
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