Take my money, take my time, take advantage–you are welcome to it all. But ask me, in the heat of the moment, to give someone the benefit of the doubt, and my fist clenches tight, Yet, isn’t the assumption of good intent what I hope to receive for myself? Now, your turn. W...
Problem #2.From what we can tell, everyone else has more money, a nicer house, better vacations, brighter children, funnier friends and tastier dinners than you do. And that’s just from Facebook–forget the Christmas letters. How did everyone else achieve such perfect lives? We compare our...
The Bias Toward Self Take my money, take my time, take advantage–you are welcome to it all. But ask me, in the heat of the moment, to give someone the benefit of the doubt, and my fist clenches tight, Yet, isn’t the assumption of good intent what I hope to receive for myself?
Mindhunter, la nouvelle série Netflix de David Fincher, l’a encore prouvé récemment : nous sommes fascinés par les psychopathes. À tel point que des études plus ou moins sérieuses circulent en permanence sur le sujet. Comme celle reprisepar le Guardian le mois derniersur ...